Beyond the clouds, above people, beneath the skin, inside people, we’re waiting for you. We see you now, as you read. We’ll see you when you stop thinking about these words. Above and inside your face, we know your secrets. We know what you hide from yourself. You can’t escape us. We hold your heart in the palm of our hand. If we like, we can squeeze it. If we like, we can crush it. There’s nothing you can do to stop us. Our gaze notices your every single move and your every single word. Say a word now. Make a move. We smile at your words, as we smile at your silence. No one will be able to protect you. No one can protect you now. You’re even less than you imagine. We’ve seen a thousand generations of men like you. It was our pleasure to let them walk on the lines of our hands. It was our pleasure to take everything away from them. We guided entire generations of men through tunnels we built that led nowhere. And when they arrived at nothing, we smiled. You’re just like them. We’re waiting for you above and inside your face. Continue on your way. Follow that line of our hand. We know where that tunnel you walk through will end. Keep on walking. We see you and smile. Beyond the clouds, we are fear. Beneath the skin, we are fear. . Anonymous
About This Quote

In the quote, fear is beneath the skin, and fear is a powerful thing. Fear is a state of mind that keeps us from doing things we want to or from engaging in activities we enjoy. It’s a feeling that keeps us from taking risks and it’s a feeling that can keep us from acting. But fear doesn’t have to control our lives.

In fact, taking control of your fear is one of the most powerful things you can do, and it’s something that I’ll talk about in the next section. ** In this section, I will discuss how to be free from fear and how to take control of your fear. Fear is often thought of as an emotion that prevents us from doing something or makes us hesitate to move forward. We are afraid because we are afraid, but what are we afraid of? What are the main fears that keep us from being open-minded? Fear can be defined as "a feeling caused by anticipation of danger" or "an intense feeling of alarmed worry or dread". The word "fear" comes from an Anglo-Saxon word "feor", which means ‘to scare’.

Therefore, when someone says they are afraid, they are telling you that they are scared. Fear has many names, but fear itself is not one of them. Fear isn't anything bad, rather it's a feeling that comes up when you are confronted with something threatening or unfamiliar.

When you are afraid, your body gives you all the signs you need to know the exact state of your mind… just like when you meet someone new who intimidates even though both parties have no reason to be intimidated by each other. If you're not careful, fear can take control over your life and begin building your life in a negative direction if you don't learn how to recognize it for what it is and learn how to combat it. It's important for us to learn how to recognize our fears because when we can recognize them for what they really are (which is nothing more than thoughts), we can choose whether or not our fears will dictate our actions or not; if we choose to act or not act according to our fears (and this action could be very harmful), then we will end up creating more problems for ourselves than solving them because if our actions aren't in line with our beliefs then we'll end up disappointing ourselves by living in the past

Source: Antadoto

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